On December 3rd, 2019, DAWN Canada hosted an Intersectional Human Rights Forum in Ottawa.This forum was an opportunity to discuss the outcomes of DAWN’s project “Do The Rights Thing: An intersectional Approach to Human Rights”. It was also an occasion to gather all women and disability partners in the same room to discuss challenges and issues faced by women with disabilities and Deaf women when accessing education and/or employment
Bonnie Brayton, National Executive Director of DAWN Canada, will be participating at Women’s Shelters Canada (WSC) first national shelter conference. This conference is an occasion to mark WSC’s five-year anniversary as a national organization created by provincial shelter organizations that saw a need for a unified voice at the national level.
Bonnie Brayton will be one of four women to engage in a discussion on Creating change and movement building. The theme will be approached within the context of the plurality and intersectionality of movements and feminisms in creating change.
When? June 13th to 15th, 2018
Where? Ottawa, Ontario
Bonnie Brayton, National Executive Directive of DAWN Canada, will be speaking at the 10th Annual Accessibility Conference "Designing for Diverse Abilities" hosted by University of Guelph. She will present the Inclusive Practice Toolkit that DAWN Canada developed. This toolkit is useful for creating inclusive processes, spaces and events.
When? Wednesday May 30th, 2018 at 11:00 am.
Where? Rozanski Hall (ROZH) at the University of Guelph.
Bonnie Brayton, National Executive Director of DAWN Canada, will be presenting More Than A Footnote Campaign at Women's Studies and Feminist Research Annual Conference. This campaign aims to ensure that women with disabilities and Deaf women are more than a footnote in policies, programs and services.
When? April 25th, 2018 from 9:15 am to 4:30 pm
Where? Dr. David S.H. Chu International Student Centre, 2nd floor International and Graduate Affairs (IGAB) Building, Western University
Bonnie Brayton, National Executive Director of DAWN Canada, will participate to the W7: Feminist visions for the G7. For the first time ever, the G7 engagement process includes a summit of diverse feminist leaders. The W7 will bring together feminists who are trailblazers in their communities.
When? April 25th to 26th, 2018
Where? Ottawa
October 09, 2017, from 08:00 to 17:00
The 33nd Annual Pacific Rim International Conference on Disability and Diversity will be held on October 9-11, 2017 at Hilton Hawaiian Village Waikiki Beach Resort & the Modern Honolulu.
The Call for Proposals is NOW OPEN, so be sure to submit your ideas early! For more information, please visitwww.pacrim.hawaii.edu, or feel free to e-mail prinfo@hawaii.edu, or call 1-808-956-7539.
Brain Awareness Week (BAW) is the global campaign to increase public awareness of the progress and benefits of brain research.
Every March, BAW unites the efforts of partner organizations worldwide in a celebration of the brain for people of all ages. Activities are limited only by the organizers? imaginations and include open days at neuroscience labs; exhibitions about the brain; lectures on brain-related topics; social media campaigns; displays at libraries and community centers; classroom workshops; and more.
For more information, visit their website here: Brain Awareness Week 2014 [nw]
March 8th is International Women's Day featuring events all over the world.
Canada's next census will be conducted in May 2016.
Early in May, census packages will be delivered to households across
Canada, providing residents with the information they need to complete
their questionnaire online or on paper.
Completed questionnaires will provide valuable information that will
be used by all levels of government, businesses, associations,
community organisations and many others to make decisions about your
neighbourhood and community.
Information obtained through the census is needed to plan services
such as child care, schooling, family services, housing, public
transportation and skills training for employment.
Every person, young and old, must be included in the 2016 Census.
We hope you can support us in informing the community of the census...
"Best Practices for Women with Disabilities and Deaf Women: Avoiding Secondary Violence Through Systemic Barriers" by Jewelles Smith, DAWN Canada LPS BC Coordinator (and President of the Council of Canadians with Disabilities).
When? November 25th at 01:15 pm
Where? Sheraton Vancouver Airport Hotel, Richmond, BC
For more information, please go to the following link: http://endingviolence.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/ATF-2016_At-A-Glance.pdf
The 5th Health and Wellbeing in Children, Youth, and Adults with Developmental Disabilities Conference
November 16-18, 2016
Vancouver, BC, Canada
Bonnie Brayton, National Executive Director of DAWN Canada, is going to intervene in a panel at CUPE Conference.
Where? CUPE National Office: 1375 St. Laurent Blvd., Ottawa
Bonnie Brayton, National Executive Director of DAWN Canada, is going to intervene in "Building Power and Challenging the Status Quo" panel at Canadian Labour Congress Rise Up Conference.
Bonnie Brayton, National Executive Director of DAWN Canada, is going to take part to a workshop at Canadian Labour Congress Rise Up conference, entitled "How accessible and inclusive is Canada anyway?"
In Toronto, ON.
In Toronto, ON.
Le RQCALACS souligne la Journée d?action contre la violence sexuelle faite aux femmes le 16 septembre 2016.
Sous le thème : On Vous Croit, ils ajoutent les 12 attitudes aidantes développées dans le cadre des 12 jours d?actions de 2015
World Social Forum 2016
When? August 12th at 02-05 pm
Where? Complexe Desjardins - Montréal
When: MAY 4 & 5 2016
Inviting Movements: Emerging Critical Disability & Deaf Perspectives and Practices will discuss important issues from those working from critical perspectives within disability, Deaf, neurodiversity, mad, illness, crip, and other social justice movements. Facebook event page
Website: http://cdmc.concordia.ca/inviting-movements/
When: Sunday May 1, 2:00 pm
Where: Grant Park in the Atrium - Winnipeg - Manitoba
In this collection of poems and art, Driedger ruminates on the colour of living. It is red with excitement, pain, sunsets, blood and tropical flowers. Along the way, she paints herself into the works of Frida Kahlo, Viencent Van Gogh, Claude Monet and Maud Lewis. She confronts the body in two different contexts: Trinidad and Tobago Carnival and breast cancer treatment. Raised Mennonite, Driedger discusses issues around celebrating the body. In the second context, she reflects on the experience of undergoing cancer treatment and of being chronically ill.
Diane Driedger is a poet, writer, visual artist and educator. Her first poetry book, The Mennonite Madonna, was published in 1999. She is aut...
Thursday, March 31
The Norwood Hotel - 112 Marion Street (ASL and Note-taker will be present)
10 a.m. - 12 p.m. (please arrive early as the debate will begin promptly at 10 a.m.)
Join us to learn about abuse and how to prevent it from North America?s leading expert on the abuse of people living with a disability. People living with a disability are at a significantly higher risk of becoming the victims of crime. CODA is a community-based initiative, supported by CPO, dedicated to developing awareness and understanding of the abuse of people with disabilities and working towards prevention.
Keynote Presenter: Dr. Nora J Baladerian, Ph.D
Nora is a clinical psychologist with a private practice focusing on trauma and abuse. She conducts seminars and trainings for first responders, agency personnel, and service providers. Dr. Baladerian is often consulted by attorneys engaged in litigation, both civil and criminal, for forensic evaluations and strategic...
With Le Centre de Santé des Femmes de Montréal and Marianne Rodrigue
When: Monday, March 7th, from 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Where: 2120 Sherbrooke Street East, Office 402, Montreal
Registration deadline: Thursday, March 3
Information and registration: 514 288-1177 or information@va-m.org
To highlight the International Women's Day, IL-M's Sexy-Able program is proud to host an informative event to teach you more about your gynecological health! The workshop will be run by a nurse from the Centre de Santé des Femmes de Montréal, a center which specializes in gynecological and reproductive health. The goal of the workshop is to broaden your understanding of the female life cycle by developing your understanding of your bodies and what aspects to monitor.
It will pr...
On December 10, the Canadian Human Rights Commission (CHRC) will be presenting a webinar in celebration of International Human Rights Day.
Expert panellists:
Alex Neve, Secretary General, Amnesty International Canada
Leilani Farha, UN Special Rapporteur on adequate housing and Executive Director, Canada Without Poverty
Shelagh Day, Director, Poverty and Human Rights Centre, Chair, Human Rights Committee, Canadian Feminist Alliance for International Action (FAFIA) and President and Senior Editor, Canadian Human Rights Reporter
Philippe Dufresne, Law Clerk and Parliamentary Counsel, House of Commons and Former Senior General Counsel and Director General, Canadian Human Rights Commission.
The panel will explore various questions, including:
- Do interna...
This day-long event is an opportunity to discuss a topic that is often taboo - violence against women with intellectual disabilities - and to find ways to prevent, reduce or even eliminate it.
The event is organized by AQIS in collaboration with DisAbled Women's Network Canada (DAWN-RAFH Canada) through a financial contribution from Status of Women Canada.
It is part of the many activities related to the 12 Days of Action for the Elimination of Violence against Women.
Click here to register: http://www.aqis-iqdi.qc.ca/298/Actualites.aqis?id_article=415
September 30th, October 1st and 2nd.
At Montreal, Qc
Cancer: feminist and intersectional critique.
at UQAM.
The integration of feminist intersectional approach in practice field: CRIAW-ICREF case.
Room 401 at UQAM.
When? June 22 to 24, 2015
Where? Halifax
What? Researchers, practitioners, activists and policy makers in disability and global development will gather in Halifax towards (re)building inclusive societies, particularly in post-conflict and post-disasters situations.
Bonnie Brayton will be in the following panels:
"Intersections: Women and Gender Panel" on june 23rd
"Women with Disabilities, Maternal Health and Canada?s Policies" on june 24th
Federal/Provincial/Territorial Status of Women forum on Sexual Violence will take place on June 17, 2015 from 8am-4pm (Central). Featuring Bonnie Brayton on how women become disabled from abuse. Presenters include El Jones, Julie Lalonde, Farrah Khan, and Nahanni Fontaine. Register here for live webcast: http://www.gov.mb.ca/msw
Preventing and eliminating violence against girls and women with disabilities: learning from good practice in nine countries (organized by Handicap International).
The objective of the Gender and Disability Forum is to provide a space for you to share the good practices your organizations are doing to address the issue of violence against women and girls with disabilities.
Theme: Struggle against violence against women with disabilities and Deaf women
An Interactive Day of Learning on Financial Aid and Financial Literacy.
in Vancouver, British Columbia, at the Hilton Vancouver Metrotown hotel, Crystal Ballroom, 6083 McKay Ave, Burnaby.
Register online today here: https://secure.neads.ca/register/en.php?id=15VC
Ms Bonnie Brayton will be presenting at McGill University on Mothering and Reproductive Rights for Women with Disabilities.
This is part of a Seminar Series hosted by theMcGill Centre for Human Rights and Legal Pluralism, Faculty of Law. Using the Convention as a backdrop, this seminar will examine issues surrounding disability and family matters. In particular, it will examine how legal and social constructs of parenthood, sexuality and sexual health have a dangerous potential to exclude people with disabilities.
Celebrating International Women?s Day though the Lens of Disability and Difference
In Celebration of International Women?s Day, DisAbled Women?s Network Canada will partner with Tangled Art + Disability to host an evening of media work by women artists with disabilities. For one night only, Bodies of Light will feature rich and provocative work by artists whose identities reveal a wide range of stories and creative practices. This event invites us to participate in the celebration of diversity, creativity and identity through the lens of disabled artists from all over the world.
Panel Discussion: 3:30-5:00pm
Film Screenings: 6:00pm-8:00pm
Get tickets here: https://guestlistapp.com/events/306921
Peggy Baker Dance Projects & Tangled Art + Disability
245 Church St.
(between Gerrard & Dundas St East)
In the Sears Atrium at the George Vari Engineering & Computing Centre, Ryerson University
Free of charge!
RSVP: adiyana@peggybakerdance.com
The theme of this week's seminar is Work and Economic Security. Our resources persons for the week will be Carole Foisy, Chef d'équipe au Comité d?adaptation de la main-d??uvre [CAMO]), and Anne-Marie Laflamme, Professor of Law at Laval University and author of the book Le droit à la protection de la santé mentale au travail. The session will be moderated by Colleen Sheppard, Professor of Law at McGill, Director of the Centre for Human Rights and Legal Pluralism)
A light lunch will be provided. Space is limited, so please RSVP at human.rights@mcgill.ca
This event has been approved for 1.5 hrs of CLE credits.
Event description:
Barriers faced by people with disabilities seeking to enter the job market are numerous: physically inaccessible workplaces, employers' prejudices,...
According to the United Nations, there are one billion people with disabilities in the world, more than half of which are women, making them the largest minority group on the planet. And yet this group remains one of the poorest and most vulnerable.
For close to 30 years, DAWN-RAFH Canada has responded to the needs of Canadian women with disabilities and Deaf women by advocating for their advancement and full economic and social inclusion.
However, vulnerability to violence and abuse remains one of the biggest challenges facing women with disabilities.
Studies have shown that 40% to 60% of women with disabilities will experience some form of violence in their lives. And women are less likely to report because they may not be aware of available service or may have trouble making...
This year's forum was developed with an eye to supporting workers and anti-violence programs in enhancing their abilities to respond to women located in a variety of communities who are impacted by sexual and domestic violence.
The National Executive Director of DAWN-RAFH Canada, Bonnie Brayton will deliver a keynote address about the response needs of women living with disabilities who are victims of violence, a group who experience sexual assault at a rate at least twice that of the general population of women. Bonnie will be exploring the nature of abuse, barriers to disclosure and what DAWN-RAFH Canada is doing to combat this in communities across the country.
For more than 20 years, the Council of Canadians with Disabilities has worked to oppose the legalization of assisted suicide and euthanasia in Canada. Today, the disability rights-based opposition to life-ending practices faces major challenges; a new bill in parliament and a new law in Québec, two major court cases and strong media bias in favour of medical killing. How will we respond?
The Strategy and Planning Meeting will describe where we came from, what worked and what didn?t, and where we?re going to; from its beginning in the U.S. to how social media can make our message heard. A panel of experts will talk about the Canadian movement thus far, then interactive workshops will allow participants to brainstorm future strategies.
Speakers include: Diane Coleman (NDY/US) ? K...
Join us for luncheon and speakers, including:
Catherine Frazee, Professor Emeritus, Ryerson Department of Disability Studies (Nova Scotia)
Dave Hingsburger, M.Ed. author and educator (Toronto)
Heidi Janz, Adjunct Professor, Dossetor Health Ethics Centre, University of Alberta (Edmonton)
Norman Kunc, Director, Broadreach Centre, (Vancouver)
Nicolas Steenhout, Director, Vivre Dans la Dignité / Living with Dignity (Montreal)
Dr. Bonita Sawatzky, Associate Professor in Orthopedics ICORD, University of British Columbia (Vancouver)
For information, contact:
Join Bonnie Brayton, recently named one of Canada?s 23 Women of Bold Vision and National Executive Director of DAWN-RAFH Canada (DisAbled Women?s Network of Canada), along with a panel of Nova Scotia women with disabilities to share their bold visions on leadership and mentoring between and among women, to imagine what access and inclusion can be and what it will take to make it happen.
Panel members include: Emily Duffett, Nova Scotia League for Equal Opportunities, Julieanne Acker-Verney, Mount Saint Vincent University Women and Gender Studies, and Anne MacRae, Executive Director of the Nova Scotia Disabled Persons Commission.
Tuesday September 30, 2014 6:30 ? 9 pm
Mount Saint Vincent University
Seton Academic Centre 4th floor
Margie O?Brien Faculty Lounge, Room 404, 405
You are invited to attend the launch of FemNorthNet & DAWN-RAFH Canada?s Inclusive Practices Toolkit:
Diversity Through Inclusive Practice ?
An Evolving Toolkit for Creating Inclusive Processes, Spaces & Events
The Disabled Women?s Network of Canada and FemNorthNet are launching our brand new resource ?Diversity through Inclusive Practice: An Evolving Toolkit for Creating Inclusive Processes, Spaces & Events.? This toolkit is meant to assist individuals and organizations with planning and carrying out inclusive processes and events. Based on shared knowledge, the Toolkit provides practical suggestions for creating spaces that are inclusive of all people, regardless of age, ability, ethno-cultural background, indigenous heritage, sexual orientation, or place of origin. Note that t...
International Conference on Intersectionality
Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, British Columbia
April 24th ? 26th 2014
The Institute for Intersectionality Research and Policy at Simon Fraser University will be hosting an international conference on intersectionality from April 24 ? 26, 2014 in Vancouver, British Columbia entitled: Intersectionality Research, Policy and Practice: Influences, Interrogations and Innovations.
The conference will prioritize recent theoretical developments and debates, interdisciplinary perspectives, critical assessments, methodological advancements, research, policy and practice applications, and work in the creative arts.
Friday April 25th 11:00am ? 1:00pm ? Breakout paper session
Doris Rajan
?An Intersectional Community Development Approach t...
The DisAbled Women?s Network - Réseau d ?action des femmes handicapées du Canada (DAWN-RAFH Canada) will be hosting its Annual General Meeting:
Friday, March 28, 2014
1:00 p.m. Eastern Time
National Head Office (Montreal, Québec) via
Please confirm your participation by no later than Monday, March 10, 2014 at the close of business (5:00 p.m. Eastern time). In order to vote at the AGM you must be a member in good standing as of February 28, 2014. If you are not a member you may not vote but you are welcome to attend as an observer.
Participation will be by WEB/ TELECONFERENCE. Instructions for participation and documents and reports will be transmitted to all CONFIRMED participants only.
We look forward to the coming year with great enthusiasm.
We hop...
Centre for Independent Living in Toronto (CILT) Inc. and The Anne Johnson Health Station present:
Self-Advocacy, Independent Living and Attendant Services
Thursday January 30th, 2014
5:30-8:00 PM
The Anne Johnston Health Station (AJHS)
2398 Yonge Street (North of Eglinton)
This workshop will offer participants:
? Increase their knowledge about consumer rights and responsibilities.
? Enhance their ability to problem solve difficult situations.
? Raise awareness of effective ways to self-advocate.
To register or for more information, please contact: Lynda Roy, 416-486-8666 ext. 248 or lyndar@ajhs.ca
This event is wheelchair accessible and promotes a scent-free environment. Attendant care available upon request. Please contact us regarding access or accommodation req...
Heidi Janz, PhD
Assistant Adjunct Professor, John Dossetor Health Ethics Centre
Friday, 17 January
12:00 - 13:00 MST/MDT
Dvorkin Centre (2G2.07 WMC), U of A Hospital
University of Alberta,
Edmonton, Alberta
Alberta Health Services? decision to reduce the number of homecare service providers in Alberta from 72 to 13 in June 2013 disrupted the lives of hundreds of elderly and disabled Albertans, jeopardizing both their well-being and safety. It also threatened to set back the Independent Living Movement by circa 40 years, thus negating the life?s work of a generation of Canadians with disabilities who fought for the right to live independently in the community and direct their own homecare services.
The intended objectives of this seminar are:
1. To identify specific eth...
The UN General Assembly proclaimed 10 December as Human Rights Day in 1950, to bring to the attention ?of the peoples of the world? the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as the common standard of achievement for all peoples and all nations.
In 2013, the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights marks 20 years since its establishment.
The United Nations General Assembly created the mandate of High Commissioner for the promotion and protection of all human rights in December 1993. The General Assembly was acting on a recommendation from delegates to the World Conference on Human Rights held in Vienna earlier the same year.
The Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action, adopted by the World Conference, marked the beginning of a renewed effort in the protection and p...
Families can explore products, services and activities in a fun-filled and informative environment dedicated to the special needs community! Our event connects families to the many products and services available to make their lives and their loved ones lives more manageable and productive.
Our sponsors and exhibitors include:
Organizations dedicated to special needs
Service providers and evaluators (speech, physical, occupational therapists)
Special needs schools and camp programs
Recreational sports and respite programs
Social skills groups
Financial advisors specializing in special needs planning
Non-traditional therapies
And much more all under one roof at one time!!!
You will be able to:
Gain awareness of new information and technology available to your family.
See and demonst...
What is the training?
Girls? programmers as well as those who are building programs for girls get together for five days for an intensive training session. Through creative and interactive workshops, opportunities are provided to talk about programming for girls, as well as build skills in a variety of areas.
The training includes workshops about:
Designing and sustaining a program
Developing facilitation skills
Activities, resources and ideas for programming
Reinforcing the value of girl-specific programs
Deepening analysis of the issues we are addressing (violence prevention, self-esteem, healthy sexuality, anti-oppression, etc.)
It also provides opportunities for:
Networking and connecting with girls? programs leaders from across the country
Sharing success stories and ac...
Misconceptions about mental illness permeate our society. Many people believe that the mentally are lazy, disabled for life or are violent. Au Contraire.
Au Contraire Film Festival was modeled from the Rendezvous with Madness Film Festival, Toronto Canada. Our film program was curated by Lisa Brown, Founder and Artistic/Executive Director of Workman Arts/Rendezvous with Madness Film Festival and Au Contraire Festival programming committee.
The Au Contraire Film Festival strives to illuminate the truths and possibilities of mental illness and combat the widespread stigma. The ACFF is a four-day special event showing films about mental illnesses and recovery. Films will be presented with panel discussions featuring clients of mental health services, health professionals and movie pr...
International Week of the Deaf is celebrated annually by deaf people worldwide during the last full week of September. 133 national associations of the deaf around the world organise events, marches, debates, campaigns and meetings to highlight speci?c human rights topics that merit attention by local and national governmental authorities, including decision makers, general public and media.
The global population of people aged 60 years and older will more than double, from 542 million in 1995 to about 1.2 billion in 2025. Around 4 to 6% of elderly people have experienced some form of maltreatment at home. Elder maltreatment can lead to serious physical injuries and long-term psychological consequences. The incidence of abuse towards older people is predicted to increase as many countries are experiencing rapidly ageing populations.
Elder abuse is a global social issue which affects the health and human rights of millions of older persons around the world, and an issue which deserves the attention of the international community.
The United Nations General Assembly, in its resolution 66/127, designated June 15 as World Elder Abuse Awareness Day. It represents the one d...
In 1993, Statistics Canada reported that one in two women will experience physical or sexual violence. In 2006, they reported that young people, especially girls, are at highest risk of sexual assault. But is this inevitable?
Violence begets violence, but we don't have to simply accept it as our future. When people come together with a common violence prevention goal, we can help change the course of history and stop violence against women and youth before it happens.
"Preventing More Histories of Violence" is our chance to help turn the tide of violence against women and youth. Join us at the City of Toronto Archives as we reflect on our past and envision a violence-free future in celebration of the 2013 May Be Me Campaign. Enjoy great food and entertainment and show off your "pu...
The Canadian Feminist Alliance for International Action (FAFIA) is hosting an AGM and a panel on upholding women?s rights in the years ahead. The panel will bring together women?s equality experts from across Canada in a lively discussion.
The AGM is an opportunity for member groups to engage with other organizations and with FAFIA staff and committee members. Although the usual AGM business will be addressed, there will also be discussions around moving forward in the current political climate.
If you are interested in attending, please RSVP to Julie Lalonde at communications@fafia-afai.org
About FAFIA:
FAFIA is an alliance of women?s equality-seeking organizations from across Canada and Quebec. We are committed to monitoring Canada?s compliance to CEDAW, advocating for wom...
Better accessibility is about more than placing a few disabled parking spots near the door to the mall. More than sticking a wheelchair ramp at the side door of your restaurant. More than providing signs in Braille on elevator buttons.
True accessibility is about more than making a token effort. It requires us all to take a good, hard look at our homes, workplaces, public areas and infrastructure, and ask ourselves if they are truly open and welcoming to every Ontarian.
New Brunswick will observe Disability Awareness Week, May 26 to June 1. The theme this year is Disability Awareness Week ? Ready and Able to Work! Disability Awareness Week covers all types of disabilities and age groups.
"This annual campaign is an excellent opportunity to remind governments at all levels, employers, service providers and the public that many persons with disabilities still face barriers in their efforts to be included in all aspects of community life,? said Randy Dickinson, co-chair of Disability Awareness Week. ?We should celebrate the progress we have made toward inclusion while working hard to break down those barriers that still remain."
Disability Awareness Week events are being co-ordinated by the Premier's Council on the Status of Disabled Persons in part...
Do immigrant mothers caring for children with disabilities have a voice in the kinds of social support that is made available to them? Mothers Speak Up! is a statement that suggests the voices of immigrant mothers have not been heard in public policy ? this café offers an opportunity for immigrant mothers to voice their opinions, to listen to other immigrant mothers address key policy issues as well as to share in recent York University research on mothering children with disabilities.
Light Lunch will be provided. Please RSVP by 22 April to owhchair@yorku.ca
As part of the annual Daffodil Month activities, the Canadian Cancer Society has designated April 27, 2013 as Daffodil Day. This is a special day when Canadians can show their support for those living with cancer and to remember those who have died.
On this important day we encourage Canadians to do something special for those living with cancer or to contribute in some way to the fight against this disease. For example:
Tell a loved one or friend with cancer that you are thinking of them; let them know about the Society?s information and support programs.
Do something special for someone you know with cancer (for example, make a meal, do an errand, babysit).
Talk with your provincial or local politicians about the importance of fighting back against cancer and tell them how they ...
Through the Forum, the OFOVC will bring together victims, victim serving agencies and other stakeholders with diverse perspectives to explore the overarching question 'what could our country become that would reflect our greatest hopes for the future of victims of crime?' Through this exploration we will collectively identify hopes and strategies for mobilizing positive change for victims, which will help shape and inform the future work of the OFOVC.
The forum will be a chance to:
hear from people with disabilities about their experiences,
better understand the challenges men and women with disabilities face in getting access to services and supports to help them deal with issues of violence,
become more aware of the issues men and women with disabilities face in getting access to health care,
think about strategies to address barriers and support Islanders with disabilities to be safe and healthy and included in their communities.
Who should come?
People with disabilities or Deaf people who are affected by or are interested in the issues of violence, safety and access to health care,
Service providers who are involved in the prevention of and response to violence and abuse;
Those who work in the fields of health care, including...
Adult Learners? Week (ALW) celebrates lifelong learning, one of several essential factors in developing more inclusive societies. ALW, which was designated by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in 2000, is celebrated in many countries where there is a growing interest in lifelong learning and its positive role in developing viable societies.
Visit the 'Adult Learner's Week' website for more information [nw]
The Montreal Regarding Disability film festival is dedicated to promoting awareness and appreciation of the perspectives, achievements and artistic expression of people with different disabilities. We strive to improve community consciousness of disabilities, inclusion, and accessibility. We are equally committed to ensuring the optimal accessibility of all festival events. Proudly presented by the Research Centre for the Educational and Professional Inclusion of Students with Disabilities (CRISPESH) and the Joint Senate-Board Committee on Equity from the Subcommittee on Persons with Disabilities.
More information to come!
Plus d'informations à venir!
Plus d'informations à venir!
Plus d'informations à venir!
Plus d'informations à venir!
Plus d?informations à venir!
Le Y des femmes de Montréal en partenariat avec DisAbled Women's Network of Canada (DAWN-RAFH Canada), L'Institut québécois de la déficience intellectuelle (IQDI) et L?Association du Québec pour l?intégration sociale (AQIS) est heureux d?annoncer la tenue d?un forum de sensibilisation.
«Ensemble pour une communauté plus inclusive pour les personnes en situation de handicap et les personnes Sourdes»
Pourquoi ce forum ?
Les personnes en situations de handicap et les personnes Sourdes sont de plus en plus vulnérables et vivent souvent une exclusion systématique ce qui engendre le manque voire même l?absence de support ou de services adéquats
Les personnes en situation de handicap et les personnes Sourdes font souvent face à de multiples obstacles entravant leur inclusion sociale au ...
DAWN Canada hosts Intersectional Human Rights Forum
National Shelter Conference 2018
Conference: Designing for Diverse Abilities
Adressing Gender-Based Violence Conference
W7: Feminist visions for the G7
Brain Awareness Week (BAW)
International Women's Day
EDF Meeting
The 2016 Census is coming!
Aboriginal Disability Awareness Month
Aboriginal Disability Awareness Month
Aboriginal Disability Awareness Month
Aboriginal Disability Awareness Month
Aboriginal Disability Awareness Month
Aboriginal Disability Awareness Month
Aboriginal Disability Awareness Month
Aboriginal Disability Awareness Month
Aboriginal Disability Awareness Month
Aboriginal Disability Awareness Month
Aboriginal Disability Awareness Month
Aboriginal Disability Awareness Month
Aboriginal Disability Awareness Month
Aboriginal Disability Awareness Month
Health & Wellbeing conference
Aboriginal Disability Awareness Month
Aboriginal Disability Awareness Month
Aboriginal Disability Awareness Month
Aboriginal Disability Awareness Month
Aboriginal Disability Awareness Month
Aboriginal Disability Awareness Month
Aboriginal Disability Awareness Month
Aboriginal Disability Awareness Month
Aboriginal Disability Awareness Month
Aboriginal Disability Awareness Month
Aboriginal Disability Awareness Month
Aboriginal Disability Awareness Month
Aboriginal Disability Awareness Month
Aboriginal Disability Awareness Month
Aboriginal Disability Awareness Month
Aboriginal Disability Awareness Month
Aboriginal Disability Awareness Month
Aboriginal Disability Awareness Month
CUPE Conference
Canadian Labour Congress Conference
"How accessible and inclusive is Canada anyway?"
Violence Against Women at Carleton University
International Week of the Deaf
CWGHR FORUM and Annual General Meeting (AGM)
International Week of the Deaf
CWGHR FORUM : Opening Reception and Presentation
International Week of the Deaf
International Week of the Deaf
International Week of the Deaf
Workshop on Inclusive practices
International Week of the Deaf
International Week of the Deaf
Journée d?action contre la violence sexuelle faite aux femmes
World Social Forum 2016
AGM - The Canadian Feminist Alliance for International Action
Diane Driedger launching Red with Living: Poems and Art
Disability Matters: Vote 2016 Great Debate
Abuse prevention for people with disabilities
Sexy-Able: Sexual and Gynecological Health Workshop
Webinar in celebration of International Human Rights Day
Discussion on violence against women with intellectual disabilities
TORONTO BREAKFAST Featuring Maysoon Zayid
CALGARY BREAKFAST Featuring Maysoon Zayid
Brain Injury Canada Annual Conference
Roundtable in partnership with CRIAW-ICREF
(Re)Building inclusive societies
Sexual Violence Knowledge Exchange
Conference of States Parties side event
Disability and Gender Forum
Victims of crime awareness week (end)
Victims of crime awareness week
Wokshop about violence against women with disabilities
"Finance Matters"
Mothering and Reproductive Rights for Women with Disabilities
Family and Sexuality
Flux: A Motion Workshop for Wheelchair Users
"Built environments and accessibility of persons with disabilities" seminar
Work and Economic Security
Special General Meeting DAWN-RAFH Canada
International Human Rights Day
International Day for Persons with Disabilities
Support women in telling their stories of abuse
Ending Violence Association(EVA) BC Annual Training Forum
Universal Design and Accessible Public Spaces
Disability Rights Opposition to Medical Killing Strategy and Planning Meeting
Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia: The Disability Rights Perspective
Women Boldly Visioning our Future
A Bold Vision - Women's Leadership Conference
Inclusive Education: Implementing the CRPD in Canada and the Global South
International Week of the Deaf
Without a Voice: June 15 @ 6:30 on AMI-TV
Inclusive Practices Toolkit Launch!
Intersectionality Conference 2014
Annual General Meeting
Independent Living and Attendant Care Services Workshop
Health Ethics Seminar
International Human Rights Day
International Day of Persons with Disabilities
3rd Annual Montreal Special Needs Fair
Amplify Training
Au Contraire Film Festival
Breast Cancer Awareness Month 2013
September: National Arthritis Month
International Week of the Deaf (IWD)
Brain Injury Association of Canada 10th Annual Conference
Global Brain Injury Awareness Day
Canada Day
World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD)
Preventing More Histories of Violence
FAFIA Annual General Meeting
Ontario National Access Awareness Week
New Brunswick Disability Awareness Week
Mothers Speak Up! On Parenting Children with Disabilities
Daffodil Day
Moving the Conversation Forward for Victims of Crime
In Focus Forum - P.E.I
Adult Learners? Week in Canada (ALW)
Regarding Disability: A Film Festival
In Focus Forum - ON
In Focus Forum - AB
In Focus Forum - NU
In Focus Forum - YT
In Focus: Metro Vancouver, British Columbia
In Focus Forum - N.B.
In Focus Forum - MB
In Focus Forum - QC